I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! This is my all-time favorite scripture (and I know it is for many others too), it always sees me through. We must remember that there is an emphasis on the world "ALL", the scripture does not say 'some' things, this is His promise. Sometimes we forget this but there is a reason why the word 'all' was chosen, to give us hope that we may conquer anything that stands before us, like our most challenging days.
On a personal note I've been feeling a bit weary and alone lately hence my lack of posts. I'm 2 months into caring for Lily on my own from sun up to sun down and I can say that I'm admittedly exhausted many days and honestly overwhelmed at times as I'm juggling a lot (I know many of you can relate and even may be in the same position). I do know that His strength will keep me going when my own fades and I become weak.
Wishing you all a fabulous and productive week ahead. Let's stay strong!
Thanks for Reading,

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