Last November a colleague of B's introduced us to a 5-day plant-based program called ProLon. He was really excited and spoke about how he lost weight and had more energy, but we didn't need to take his word for it, the proof was obvious with his clearer, more glowing skin along with his obvious weight loss. We were inspired to learn more about this program that offered such amazing benefits in just 5 short days. I'm not one to jump onto the bandwagon of a new diet or eating program until I've fully researched the benefits and read/heard testimonials. This program is a bit of an investment into your health, so that's just what we did. I loved the fact that everything was made with plant-based ingredients which automatically helps detox and cleanse the body, so we figured we had nothing to lose.
Shortly thereafter my sweetie and I decided to order the ProLon program to give it a try together. We had been planning an upcoming trip during the Christmas holidays to New Zealand and wanted a bit of a jump start on our diet as we had been fairly relaxed with regards to snacking, finding ourselves eating out more than usual and it was all starting to catch up with us! Once our boxes arrived we decided to do the program together and we both noted weight loss (I lost 5 lbs, B lost an incredible 12 lbs!). What we noticed and valued most though wasn't seeing a smaller number on the scale, it was the increased energy levels we both had on far few calories than we were accustomed to, this sparked in us a new appreciation for just how little the human body actually needs to not only survive but thrive! The instructions called for laying low and not adding workouts to an already lower calorie diet so we followed it exactly as it stated (we later learned that workouts on the program were completely okay for us and in fact we preferred that to keep our strength up).
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ProLon may appear to be some kind of weight loss magic, however what they pride themselves in most is the science behind longevity-detoxification and keeping body cells healthy to prevent premature aging, promote healthy cell replication as well as provide increased energy which can in turn offer clearer skin and an overall sense of greater wellness. Once we finished our 5 days, we gently transitioned back to regular food the next, this time being more mindful about what we were putting into our bodies and more specifically how much we consumed. I eat a mostly plant-based diet already with some meat and fish, but a goal was to reduce my sugar intake. We also began working out regularly again.
Once we arrived home from our winter vacation we immediately began unpacking moving boxes and getting settled into our new place in San Francisco and found ourselves eating out quite a bit our first week home. We knew we needed to make some changes again. For a couple weeks I would implement a few similar 'ProLon' days involving soups, crackers and lower calories but nothing worked exactly like the program itself, so we decided to order another box. I reached out to ProLon as I was planning to order another box (as was my sweetie) and they generously agreed to sponsor my second round by providing me with a full box and they are offering you a sweet deal also with a coupon code below. Because of the amazing results we both had, I wanted to document it all in greater detail and share my experience with you all. After all, it was in casual conversation with B's colleague that we ended up trying it, and sometimes we discover the greatest products by word of mouth, my hope is that you will find it to be the incredible addition to your healthy lifestyle goals or catalyst for change that it has been for us!
As I'm writing this, we have just returned from Europe where we spent everyday of our summer vacation indulging in everything from croissants in Paris, gelato in Florence to homemade pizza and pasta in Tuscany. While we still incorporated workouts into our time away to compensate for our treats and were mindful of what we ate overall making calculated splurges, the scale doesn't lie and we both still ended up gaining a few pounds so it's Prolon to the rescue again! We're halfway though and just like the very first time trying it we are back to feeling vibrant and lighter. B has already lost an incredible 6.5 pounds after just 2 days and I have lost the 3 that I gained in total. It has now become our secret weapon for bouncing back from vacation and when we've splurged during a weekend getaway trip to Napa.
If you follow along on my instagram stories, you may have seen me posting daily updates of my weigh-in as well as what I was eating and sharing how I felt. If you want to take a peek back at that, even my sweet 5-year-old Lily makes a little appearance. I've shared it in the Instagram Highlights labeled Prolon Fasting right here. Let me break it down for you below...
My 5-Day Experience with Prolon
Day 1: I just want to reiterate that I didn't do this program to lose weight specifically although it is a nice side benefit. However, I will share with you what my 5 days looked like because I don't know anyone who has used this system and has not lost some weight, so perhaps it can provide a reference point. The first day of the program I weighed in at 126.8 lbs. This first day allows for the most calories to transition you to the next few days. I didn't find it challenging because the delicious L-bars are nut-based and very filling as a snack/breakfast for the day. The carefully proportioned fats, fiber and proteins provided through delicious seasoned olives, soups and their yummy kale crackers keep you feeling full, you do not feel deprived. If you're drinking the organic teas provided throughout the day along with water, your brain will naturally receive the message that your body is hydrated and properly nourished and therefore 'full'.
Day 2: I weighted myself in the morning and was 125 lbs which is a bit on the light side for me. I woke up the second day feeling light, full of energy, my tummy felt flatter and my mind was clearer. It may not seem like a lot (especially if you consume about 2,000-2,500 calories per day as I sometimes do including snacks and fancy coffee drinks at times), but today was an 800 calorie day. What makes it sustainable is that the diet includes fat and encourages lots of liquids. Our bodies need either fat or carbohydrates for fuel and this has a nice plant-based balance of both.
Day 3: This day felt harder because we had done a difficult workout routine with a concentration on abdominals (so this may be why they suggest omitting workouts!) Because I wasn't looking to lose weight and had hit where I was comfortable with I did have some cucumber slices and cashews as a supplement as I felt hungrier this day. Had my goal have been seeing a lower number on the scale, I would have been more disciplined and pushed through. That's the great thing about this plan, you can still make minor tweaks (they even recommend cucumber slices per their email encouragement if needed) which I definitely incorporated.
Day 4: My favorite thing today was sipping hot tea and enjoying the choco-crisp L-bar for dessert. A little bit of chocolate and palette change in the evening goes a long way for me, it satisfies my chocolate craving without needing an entire slice of cake!
Day 5: Today was the final day and I reached my goal which was not weight loss but my body feeling lighter, cleaner, my mind is clear and my food cravings have gone way down. When your stomach shrinks back to a more healthy way of eating, this helps prevent overeating.
Day 6 (Transition Day): The day after the cleanse I worked in smoothies, fruit and baked salmon for dinner which kept our meal light so we didn't create a sudden shock to our body like meat would have.
On the 7th day we were back to eating normally once again as our diet is already fairly clean but with the new intention of not overeating. For example, our acai smoothies we used to drink daily were double the size and calories they really needed to be, filled with way too much natural sugars from fruit such as banana, so we instead started to substitute coconut oil and other healthy fats to help prevent us from overeating later on in the day. We were also mindful of portion sizes and committed to sharing entrees while dining out while each having a small appetizer and omitting desserts which are just unnecessary calories.
It's been great, we choose really well and it saves us money too! An interesting side benefit was that while we didn't give up coffee afterwards, we both decided to give up alcohol and we love a good Napa Cabernet! Alcohol slows down the metabolism as your body now puts all of its effort into removing the toxins from your bloodstream instead of burning fat and assimilating nutrients, we figured it was worth a shot and B has gone 2.5 months without any! I have a glass of wine now and then but one thing we both share in common is that we don't crave it and can totally live without it.
Let's Socialize!
If you'd like to experience transformational results too, Prolon is offering Classy Woman readers the following discount codes to use at checkout:
Karla10 for 10% off single orders
Karla10Sub for 10% off subscription orders (3 boxes or more)
Have any of you tried Prolon? What was your favorite result from the program?
This was a long post, thanks for reading!

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