I'm a huge proponent of self improvement and personal growth. I started this very blog and my Facebook Community page for this very reason, with the intention of being a resource to others who are looking to work on becoming more ladylike, elegant and classy.
Unlike other things we may spend time on or invest money in, we will never go wrong when we invest in ourselves! Education is key, whether it's taking a class or course, doing some reading on our own to gain new knowledge and then applying the principles, taking the time to work hands-on or practice (such as cooking, baking, a particular sport or hobby, getting a new business off the ground), our lives will be so much richer for it!
Don't miss out on opportunities to work on yourself, even when it's painful, uncomfortable or time consuming. Look at Olympic athletes, I know for sure they have pushed through pain, self-doubt, fatigue and more to reach their greatest goals. We need to consider ourselves like diamonds in the rough, becoming more polished and sparkling with each new day we choose to further develop who we are. A better you is in your future!
Maybe you wish to expand your vocabulary? Why not sign up for the word of the day with dictionary.com. Perhaps your goal is to get into better shape, you could start by making a daily commitment of 30 mins during a time of the day that will really work for you to get in a jog/walk/run or do a yoga DVD, once you find success with this level of consistency, incorporate other activities or increase the length of your workouts. If you've been thinking about how to create a more feminine, ladylike and elegant wardrobe, you could read books, magazines or blog posts with some guidelines such as this one I wrote on 'How to Dress Classy'. Spend a few hours on the weekend going through your closet, donating what no longer works, keeping the items of the best quality and condition that flatter your figure and work well with other pieces to create a versatile wardrobe. Maybe you've been wishing that you were a better cook for yourself, your husband or your entire family, why not take a cooking class? How about spending one day per week trying out a new recipe or two until you've nailed it? You could also subscribe to food magazines that provide interesting recipes and/or cooking tips.
Above are just a few examples, there are so many more aspects that we as women might wish to improve upon. I know you have your own, so what's stopping you from getting there right now? The key is to get busy with the 'doing' instead of just thinking about how we wish things were better or different. Of all the things we pour our time and energy into, shaping who we are should be at the top of the list. Yes, we may have children to care for and raise up but they need to see a role model who never stops learning, growing and endeavoring to be better than they were yesterday, we are their greatest example!
Thanks for Reading!

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