A few weeks ago while were were on vacation, a quote came to me somewhat out of the blue: "Trust the Timing of Your Life". I was standing in the bathroom of our beautiful hotel suite getting ready for the day, it was quiet and I had a few child-free minutes to myself after my shower. I took a step up to the mirror, staring into my own eyes feeling as though I had just received an answer to prayer, a confirmation. I've read that quote a few times before and agreed with its words but never really internalized it for myself. This time was different though, it spoke to me. I have been praying about a few specific things pretty hard for the past few months (and have been thinking about them for even longer than that-years really). I felt as though in that moment questions were answered that I've long wondered about and gave me peace that although my life is in many ways different than what I had planned on, that I was still on the right track. It also gave me extra dose of hope for the future for where I'm headed!


I find a lot of times, it's our own expectations that lead us to believe that we're somehow not on the right track. Sometimes we create idea in our mind of how things are supposed to be, and when they are not, we begin to feel that we've somehow failed at life or weren't successful in our 20's, 30's etc. I remember back in high school after I had just graduated, I was driving home one day listening to music in the car (I don't even know why I still remember this, but I do) and I was thinking about what age I'd ideally want to be married and have children one day (as us ladies sometimes do) and age 24 stuck out in my mind followed by 26 being my ideal age to have my first baby, that just seemed perfect to me on paper allowing me more time before turning thirty to have one or two more if I chose. 

The truth is we can plan out the fine details all day long and they will never all go according to plan, and really how  boring would life be if we had it all figured out? Pretty mundane I would think. In my case, these numbers were definitely off. As I neared that milestone turning point age of 30 (you know the age when some believe you're supposed to have your life together), I started to fret a bit after a long term relationship that didn't work out and wondered if I was ever going to find love and have a family of my own. Of course we now know how that all turned out, I've been married for nearly 10 years and I have a beautiful 2.5 year old daughter for whom I'm so blessed to call mine.  What I realized though, was that I wouldn't have been ready at the age I first imagined. From a practical standpoint-yes, I had a solid career and was doing well financially speaking, I've always been more mature than my years and very responsible and had helped raise my much younger brother so that would have been a plus however, during our married (but child-free) years, I had the opportunity to explore the idea of running a business in a new country, enjoying married life (after a short engagement)  and got to travel and see the world-25 countries to be exact and I wouldn't have it any other way! I believe God and the Universe were up to something. Now, could all of this have happened when I was much younger? It very well could have but I believe things do happen in their own timing and I'm so grateful for the moments we got to be selfish and focus on ourselves and just us two.

Sometimes a timely quote or scripture is just what we need to give us a boost! Wherever you're at in life, whatever heartaches you're experiencing (or have experienced), whatever you may feel anxious or even fearful of, whatever you're most confused about, just trust that life unfolds in its own timing. Sometimes circumstances and events take place that we don't understand or we question decisions we've made but life has a way of course correcting and often it was that 'something' that we wished we didn't have to endure that causes us to have a greater level of faith, character, trust, confidence, success, awareness, hope, peace, etc. I want to encourage you today to cast all your cares aside of what you feel your life should look like/be like at this very moment and just embrace the here and now-your story and the timing of the events in your life.

Below are a few scriptures that speak to trusting God, His timing and purpose for our life. I believe it's in these times that He can speak to us the most, and of course it's when we most often first seek Him and pray. If none of us had any problems in life, uncertainties, frustrations, confusion or pain, most would choose to be self-sufficient. I have personally found in these times I discover more about myself and it helps build greater character in me as a woman.


I'd smile emoticove for your to share in the comments below if you've gone though a rough season, trusted the timing of your life and came out the other side better for it. It just might encourage someone today! 
smile emoticon

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Was there a frustrating or confusing time in your life that you saw come to pass and later on understood how the timing of it was necessary for your own life? I'd love to hear about it! Share with us in the comments below. :)

Thanks for stopping by!


*image credit for quotes + scriptures: Pinterest